Monday, March 10, 2014

Twirl Girl Review and Coupon

Twirly Girl is a fantastic online company that sells the funnest girls party dresses you've ever seen. Party dresses for girls  like these  are so unique compared to what you can find in stores nowadays, and the best part is that a lot of them Twirl like nobody's business. Look at that one above! What kid wouldn't love a dress that gets the full twirl like that! 

Twirly Girl is a company created a woman with a wonderful and very creative sense of fashion. From a young age she made unique fashion choices and when she had her own kids that was genetically passed down to them! How did she help them express themselves in their outfits you might ask? Months of sewing classes and lots of shopping in the LA fashion district. From there came the original reversible Twirly Girl dress that her kids adored and soon *many* kids adored. Girl party dresses are a hard thing to shop for and you can find so many different variations of style, color, and pattern at Twirly Girl. 

The idea behind a reversible dress is particularly appealing to me. I love that these dress are so changeable and girl kids the option of changing up their outfit. Sizes are available from 12-18 months to size 14! The Twirl Girl website is also very fun; there are random fun math questions and something called Twirly Girl theater for listening to illustrated short stories on itunes. This business owner to understanding of what makes a company fun and different from any others and boy has she succeeded! I also love that they do school fundraising by giving each school a special coupon code and however much is bought using that code in 7 days  will have 15 percent taken off the total and given back to the school and even free shipping with US ground!

I got a chance to review the Totally Tankful dress from Twirly Girl. Girls party dress shopping is tricky stuff and I am so glad they sent us the one that they niece adores it. The fabric had an awesome pattern and the material is soft and stretchy. The Tankful dress doesn't twirl, some versions of their dresses don't, but I've been told it is incredibly comfortable. The thing I like the most about these dresses is the fabric. These are styles you won't find in a regular shop. That is a very important aspect of shopping; I don't want to look like everyone else...just a sheep in the crowd. These dresses day "I'm me!" in every sense of the word. 

If you like to learn more about Twirly Girl and shop their wonderful connection visit Twirly Girl here. Be sure to take extra time wander through all of the options, I was amazed at the quality of this product and the prices as well. I will definitely be trying the coupon out. 
While you are there, use this awesome coupon for 15% off your order! 
Put that code above in the Coupon Code box at Checkout. 
This coupon does not apply to sale items, gift certificates, or design your own dress features. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Marvelous Mess and Fotor Review

I was compensated for parts of this post. All opinions are my own an written in my own words. 

Hi Folks!

 I would love to introduce you to one of my favorite photo editor online.....though I have no doubt many of you know this company already!

Fotor is free online photo editor that I use almost daily. I have tried quite a few different free photo editing software online and time and again I find myself going back to Fotor. From basic edits like cropping, straightening, color levels to complex edits such as the ability to write text in photo. It is amazing what kind of photo enhancements you can do! Check out some of the versions of what I did with this picture of Buddy:

This is the picture without edits:

With the "1 step" button:
Some brightening, clarity, and the snow looks much less blue. But I've done a lot of editing with this kind of software so I went further on my own:

Here is mine with these edits: contrast, brightness, saturation, shadows, temperature. 

With Fotor, I could put so many different effects on this photo! Fotor has also got a collage maker, clip art and frames! 

Here is an "Autumn" effect:

As you can see, big fan of Fotor here. 
Give it a try, I know you'll love it!
Plus, it's free!

And now for the post I'm going to feature on my sidebar for a week:
Dessert Nachos! from Made it. Ate it. Loved it. 

Some serious yummy going on!

On to the party!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Marvelous Mess!!

Howdy and I hope you had a fantastic weekend!

My fave from last week is:
Sweet Heart Moon Pies from Southern Distinctions!!!!!

Now on to the party!