Sunday, September 12, 2010

Salon Grafix Invisible Dry Shampoo Review

It's time to put all my cards on the table:
  I don't wash my hair everyday.

I'm a mom. I'm a crafter. And, let's face it....quite often I have other things I'd rather be doing. But, I do like the look and feel of a clean head of hair. So, I was intrigued by the product by Salon Grafix: Invisible Dry Shampoo.
I just received it in the mail the other day and it happened to be on a day where I hadn't washed my hair yet. So, I gave it a try. Now, I lean towards the hippie end of the spectrum when it comes to beauty, take that into account when you hear what a have to say.

The Good:
It worked!! My dirty tresses looked markedly cleaner after some liberal spraying of the product. It's smell isn't overpowering, in fact for the ingredients involved in the making of it....its quite amazing. There were no residues, only a slightly stiff feeling to my hair once it dried. No more stiff than if I used some mousse.

The Not-So-Good:
The first ingredient is butane. Then alcohol. Next is propane. Get the picture?? Holy cow, let me tell you....I was so very KEENLY aware of anything that might spark or start a flame in my presence. I know, that sounds dramatic.... but, with all that in my hair I was being extra cautious. Now, to be fair, I just looked up the ingredients in regular hairspray and it is right along the same lines. Very flammable. So, if you choose to use this product, be aware and take precautions. I would advise you against any hot air ballon trips.  The only other thing I might mention is that my skin where I sprayed was pretty warm and sore for a bit afterward....which is probably due to the chemicals and the fact that I don't use much hair product. I have naturally sensitive skin. 

Bottom line: 
This product is a great fit for those of you who are used to using these types of products on your hair/skin and who are looking for a simple way to clean their hair without the use of a shower. It does it's job well, if just a tad intensely.
I hope this review helped you to understand the product a bit better. I did receive product in compensation for this review. The review is written entirely in my own words, with my own opinon behind them. I am a woman of my word, and if I don't like'll know!!


  1. I'm laughing, out loud, and my husband's asleep, or he was! Your new follower!

  2. I'm sorry, that is one of the funniest reviews I have ever read. I shall be SURE not to use this on my next hot air balloon ride!!!! You crack me up, Missy!

  3. oh wow! I am a mom on the go and I would use the heck out of this! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Man...I was planning my hot air balloon ride for the day I used this product...shucks...Awesome review...besides being quite enjoyable, it sounds like a pretty neat product!

  5. This sounds good if your skin/hair is used to the products.. sadly I m not sure that my skin would take it...


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