Monday, March 26, 2012

On My Way To The Keys

Guest post written by Derick Burks
I made sure to drop all of my bills in the mail ( including my clear internet service) payment before we left on vacation. We are going to be gone for a whole two weeks. I have been waiting for this moment for the last several years. It really has been about three years since the last time that we went on a vacation. My husband’s job is pretty demanding. He hasn’t felt like he could leave and the business operate the way that it should for the last couple of years. Now, he feels like everyone is trained well enough that we could go on a family vacation. We are heading to Key West, Florida. I have never been to the Keys and my children haven’t either. My husband has been a couple of times fishing. He also has a friend who is letting us borrow their house and boat down there for the next two weeks. I know that it is going to be super fun and relaxing. I just can’t wait to be sitting at the edge of the water with a margarita in my hand and watching the waves! How relaxing!

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