Sunday, September 30, 2012

Monk Fruit Nectresse Sweetener

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of NECTRESSE™Sweetener for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

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The makers of Splenda have come out with a new "natural" sweetner made from Monk Fruit called Nectresse. Monk fruit is a type of chinese melon called Luo Han Guo, which has a super sweet taste that is also zero calories. Nectresse is the only 100% "natural" sweetener made from fruit.

I recently got a chance to review NECTRESSE™Sweetener. I have been trying to inspire myself to get back into dieting and exercise and I thought changing up the sugar in my diet would be a good step in the right direction. I tend to avoid the chemical sweeteners (like splenda and aspartame), and when I heard there was a "natural" sweetener out there, I wanted to give it a try. I used Nectresse in a Yogurt Fruit Parfait recipe that I found on their site: 

and here is the recipe from Nectresse:


All in all, I would have to say I was as satisfied as I usually am with any artificial sweetener. It will *never* taste exactly like sugar, but it comes close enough. I think when combined with dairy products in particular Nectresse tastes the best. I tried it in my coffee and was not as pleased....then again, this fruit is supposed to be 150 times more sweet than sugar, so my measurements might have been off!!

I like that there is a fruit sweetener on the market. I don't necessarily agree with giving it the title "natural" because the main ingredient in it is not monk fruit but erithrytol, a sugar alcohol that comes from corn in particular. The next ingredient  to make this sweetener is sugar and we're not talking raw sugar, so it has gone through a chemical refining process. Monk fruit is the third ingredient. So, you can see why calling it "natural" is just a tad questionable, right?? Still, I think it is better than using a chemical sweetener for sure.

Would you like to get a

FREE sample of NECTRESSE™Sweetener?? 

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Here is a video from Nectresse Spokesperson and journalist Lisa Ling:


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  1. It will *never* taste exactly like sugar, but it comes close enough. I think when combined with dairy products in particular Nectresse tastes the best.

  2. The monk fruit sweetener is very great for producing energy in you. It is a big substitute of sugar and have more benefit for your body. It allow you to work for more time with maximum freshness. I am using this sweetener at my home as well as in office. Kinesio tape


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