Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Reach Your Goals This Fall: Running For Beginners

Reach Your Goals This Fall: Running for Beginners

Though bathing suit weather has passed and the shorts are going into storage, fall is the perfect time to begin reaching those fitness goals. For busy moms, the kids go back to school, and the weather cools down to make those morning or evening runs more pleasant. We all would love to have more energy, be healthier, and look and feel more attractive. 

Starting a running regimen can be daunting, but sometimes the fear is mental – and there are helpful plans, supplies, and supplements that can ease the process. It can be as easy as putting one foot in front of the other. Try glucosamine tablets to help with early runners’ joint pain as your body gets used to the increased movement. Several plans also exist on the internet to help just about anyone become a runner, no matter what their experience and fitness level.

Many plans offer a tiered program combining walking and running. They recommend alternating the two for specified periods of time. For example, walk for three minutes and run for one during your first workout, and increase the running increments on a daily basis throughout a several-weeks workout until you can run for thirty minutes without stopping. Even these types of plans can seem daunting those who haven’t had a lot of physical activity in a long time. The great thing about them is that you can just work at a pace that works for you. The downfall is that you may not push yourself like you need to in order to make progress and see results.

Consider finding a friend who is at a similar fitness level as you, so you can push each other and hold one another accountable. If you are just starting a running plan, the idea of inviting another person into the process might seem a little vulnerable. Find a trusted friend, or join a beginners’ running group. Changes are that others might feel as vulnerable as you, and you can build a fantastic support group with like-minded individuals. Just give it a chance.

Good shoes, good music, good nutrition, and supplements can help you ease into running. Good shoes and proper stretching prevent shin splints and other ailments, while glucosamine can help joint function. Eating well provides the energy needed to run and helps you feel great too!

This fall, take that step you’ve wanted to take and start running!

Paige One enjoys writing about fitness and knows that running is challenging, but definitely is worth it! 

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