Thursday, January 9, 2014

Inspiration for those on Nutrisystem

This article is offered by Zara

Inspirational blogs for the Nutrisystem Dieter

Are you feeling low lately? Has your motivation been going through a slump? This is perfectly normal for anyone on a diet, especially for those people who know they are in this for the long haul. Other dieters that have been through your trials know that once you reach your goal weight, the entire journey seems worth it. So here is a list of blogs that will re-vitalize your drive levels and remind you why you started down this path in the first place.

Dollar Monger
Thirty-one year old Sarah from Portland has blogged about her 15-week Nutrisystem journey at Dollar Monger. Being busy with 5 kids in her house she welcomed the opportunity to lose weight with this meal delivery diet back in March 2013. With a starting weight of 213lb, she followed the plan diligently eating 6 meals a day, drinking enough water, and trying to fit exercise into her schedule whenever she could. On Nutrisystem you lose weight pretty fast, and this is motivating. Sarah lost 7 lb the first week. Within 15 weeks she lost 28 lbs, which is a weight loss rate of almost 2lbs per week on average. Sarah not only looks younger and prettier but her skin is cleaner and healthier as well. “I feel more confident in my abilities to eat smarter, maintain portion sizes and continue living a healthy lifestyle” says Sarah. If you are on Nutrisystem and need encouragement and motivation visit her blog and read her 15-week Nutrisystem report. She has plenty of information including weight loss progress charts, how to make Nutrisystem friendly vegetable juices, and links to other sites where you can get Nutrisystem discounts.

Bubbly Nature Creations
Rachel started her blog in 2008 to document her journey to making soap but later her creativity expanded to include delicious recipes, wonderful crafts, photography and blogging about all things parenting, babies and kids.  Rachel has been struggling with her weight since 4th grade. While she managed to bring her weight to a healthy BMI as she grew up, after high school she gained the “freshman” 15—a weight increase that her relatively small frame didn’t welcome. Five pregnancies later, she ended up with an excess of 40 lb that she would gladly get rid of.

Last March (2013) she joined Nutrisystem. She had seen so many success stories and wanted to be one of them. The convenient, calorie-portioned food that is nutritionally balanced, easy to prepare and easy to take on the go, would fit into her lifestyle. Rachel followed the plan for 15 weeks and lost a total of 16 inches and 11 lb, which doesn’t seem like a lot until you consider that she has hypothyroidism, which makes weight loss not that easy. “I feel so much better”, she says, “and my stamina has improved”. Read her Nutrisystem posts here.

33-year old Susan from North Florida was 260 lb when she started Nutrisystem. A busy lifestyle with frequent fast food eating is what gave her a place in the obese category. At some point she was 300 lb. In, along with other women, Susan gives “before and after” photos as she narrates her 108 lb weight loss progress. Going from size 24 to size 4 is hard work, Susan says, but Nutrisystem makes it simple. If you are thinking of joining Nutrisystem, you can find how a typical day is, tips to succeed, how to transition to regular food, and a lot more in her report.

Keenly Kristin-

Kristin is a PR executive and a full time working mom. Her blog contains tips on how to juggle your work and family life, while maintaining your weight and your sanity. Her writing style is witty and quirky, leaving you feeling light and happy after reading her posts. She seems to be able to find a light side to everything so you will come across posts about her own struggles while losing weight, as well as others. Kristin posts success stories of other Nutrisystem dieters as well, giving you a more diverse range of people to read about. Her journey is fairly recent so for dieters that are just starting out, they will see insights into their own problems in her pages. Kristin lost over 25 pounds and published several articles dealing with important issues that Nutrisystem dieters face, like “How the meals taste”, “How to do Nutrisystem on Holidays”,  “Why Nutrisystem can fit any person”. All this and much more you can read in her blog.

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