Friday, January 27, 2012

We Love Winter Walks

Winter walks are the best. 
The latest walk we went on was in search of animal tracks. We'd had a lot of rain the day before, which has melted a lot of snow and make it slushy, then everything froze overnight. It's a good recipe for seeing some tracks. 
Here are some that we found:

 Scat from a meat eating animal....see the hair?
 And yes, I just totally put poop on my blog. 

 Wild Turkey. 

Hold on a sec....I'm going to call a Striped Skunk on these tracks.

Mostly, we just played in the snow and tromped around the field. Buddy was LOVING the adventure. He couldn't stop chasing after Chloe....who was searching for mice in a very serious way. She didn't really appreciate his playful mood.

Chloe was ready to get started on her search.

 Buddy was ready to pounce on Chloe.

 So, he did.

 Chloe kept at it....diligently working to find a mouse. Until Buddy got in the way.

 Don't you just love that ears back, full-of-trouble look he has going on in this picture....
He was just looking for an excuse to run as fast as he could in circles.

We love Winter walks.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Our New House

Content by Mac Kline
Our new house is amazing and I can't believe we finally get to move in and live here as husband and wife. I've been waiting for this day my entire life and I couldn't ask for a better husband than James. I mean come on, he bought me my dream house and we're only 24 years old! I can't wait to get all of our stuff moved into the house and get the rooms painted the way I want them to be and I even got a little surprise for James once we move. I called up direct tv and I've got a guy coming out a week after we moved in to install a dish so he can get all the sports channels he's had to go to a sports bar to watch for the last two years. I wish I could afford to buy a new flastcreen TV, but because we’re going to be so house poor he's going to have to wait on the new TV!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Marvelous Mess #48 and Features!!!

Oooo, those Valentine's Crafts are really being made now!! I hope you'll show us all up with your latest and greatest!!

Here are my fave's from last week:

Valentine Wreath from Two sides of the Rainbow

Crocheted Plarn Tote Pattern from Petals To Picots

Chocolate Chip Brownie Cookies from the Blackberry Vine

and the project I'm going to feature on my sidebar for a week....
Spring Jitters from The Generous Earth

Thanks so much to you all for linking up to my weekly party!! If I featured you in this post, feel free to grab this button:


Now, on to the party: