Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mason Jar Cookie Valentines and A Marvelous Mess #49 and Features!!!

I found this great idea for Mason Jar Cookie Valentines and pinned it on Pinterest. Everybody seems to love it and keeps repinning it....and I just love it, I thought I would recreate it in my way. 
It's a mason jar decorated with heart doilies and filled with cookies. I wrapped antique white yarn around the top, red ribbon, and some tulle. It's such a sweet way to give a valentine!!
The cookies I filled it with were Russian Tea Cakes with a few changes....heart shaped instead of round and the confectioners sugar was mixed with red sugar crystals. 
Oh, yum. 

Such a cute combo. 
Here is what the cookies looked like on their own:
I made the round ones to show you what they usually look like. Here is the recipe:

Russian Teacakes:

1 Cup Butter (room temperature)
1/2 Cup Confectioners Sugar
1 Tsp Vanilla
2 1/4 Cup Flour
1/4 Tsp Salt
Extra bowl of Confectioners sugar  (I mixed some red sugar into it) for rolling. 

Stove to 400. Mix well the butter, sugar, and vanilla. Work in flour and salt until dough holds shape. I shaped mine into hearts....usually they are made into 1" balls. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Once out, roll warm cookies in bowl of sugar, coating them well. Wait for them to cool then roll it again. 
Makes 4 dozen cookies (in balls). 

I would credit this recipe....except it was passed down from my mom!!!!

Last weeks party was a blast. Lots of link up and so many fun ideas. I'll be pinning a lot of them. 
Speaking of pinning, check my Pinterest Board might see some of your stuff!!

Also, are any of you on Google plus? I'd love to add you to my circles or follow your page (and would love it if you would follow). I'm trying to figure it all out and word has it Google Friend Connect is going Google + will be how we gather followers. I've got my page HERE. Leave me a comment (either on google+ on on this blog) and I will follow you back. 

Here are my fave's from last weekes party:
Vanilla Bean Creme Brulee from Chicken Scratchny

Tin Foil Rose Tutorial from I Gotta Create.

Super Bowl Snack Extravaganza from Gluten Free from A-Z

And, the project I'm going to feature on my sidebar for a week is....

Rain Boot Re Do from Cookie and Claire. Adorable!!

Thanks to all of you that linked up!! For those that I featured in my post today, here is your button:


Now, lets party!!

Passionately Artistic

Friday, January 27, 2012

We Love Winter Walks

Winter walks are the best. 
The latest walk we went on was in search of animal tracks. We'd had a lot of rain the day before, which has melted a lot of snow and make it slushy, then everything froze overnight. It's a good recipe for seeing some tracks. 
Here are some that we found:

 Scat from a meat eating animal....see the hair?
 And yes, I just totally put poop on my blog. 

 Wild Turkey. 

Hold on a sec....I'm going to call a Striped Skunk on these tracks.

Mostly, we just played in the snow and tromped around the field. Buddy was LOVING the adventure. He couldn't stop chasing after Chloe....who was searching for mice in a very serious way. She didn't really appreciate his playful mood.

Chloe was ready to get started on her search.

 Buddy was ready to pounce on Chloe.

 So, he did.

 Chloe kept at it....diligently working to find a mouse. Until Buddy got in the way.

 Don't you just love that ears back, full-of-trouble look he has going on in this picture....
He was just looking for an excuse to run as fast as he could in circles.

We love Winter walks.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Our New House

Content by Mac Kline
Our new house is amazing and I can't believe we finally get to move in and live here as husband and wife. I've been waiting for this day my entire life and I couldn't ask for a better husband than James. I mean come on, he bought me my dream house and we're only 24 years old! I can't wait to get all of our stuff moved into the house and get the rooms painted the way I want them to be and I even got a little surprise for James once we move. I called up direct tv and I've got a guy coming out a week after we moved in to install a dish so he can get all the sports channels he's had to go to a sports bar to watch for the last two years. I wish I could afford to buy a new flastcreen TV, but because we’re going to be so house poor he's going to have to wait on the new TV!