Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Giving Tuesday

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." 
~Winston Churchill

There is a fantastic new idea coming around this holiday season...
Have you ever felt like there is more that you could or *should* be doing for others around you? We can easily get so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget about the needs of the people around us. Giving Tuesday hopes to change that. 

Giving Tuesday

When?: November 27th, 2012

What is it???A day to give back. Businesses, Non-profits, Families, Individuals...this day is for all of us!!!!! We can all find some way to give back to our community. Any way, small or big, can make a difference. Giving Tuesday is a day of caring.  Retailers have made so much money off from special "days" like Black Friday or Cyber Monday... it is time to put GIVING back into the holidays. Lets make giving an integral part of our holiday season, not just loads of toys under the tree... we should give to our neighbors, our friends, and the needy. 

How can I help?:  
Here are some ideas..... go HERE for more
*Families and individuals could start simply: donate food to a local food bank, clothes to a shelter, cook meals for elderly neighbors, bring old boots and jackets (along with mittens, gloves, and hats) to a nearby elementary school. Talk to your children about *why* you are doing it and make an annual event. Here are some other ideas for families and individuals.

*Businesses, Non-Profits, and Communities could donate certain portions of their proceeds for the day, offer free services, advertise about the day on their webpages and social media outlets, or do fund matching for a cause. They could try hosting walks/runs for a cause, gather a group of volunteers to do special projects, have bake sales,  and inspire others to join the cause. Business, check out Do for a cool idea involving teens. 

*Bloggers can become affiliates here. Spread the word through all your social media and blogging venues!!! There is so much you can do to share information about this wonderful event!!!

I hope you will all join me in celebrating Giving Tuesday this November 27th!!!

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