Monday, March 26, 2012

Moving Here

Author: Joseph Sandoval
Moving here was the best decision I ever made because it forced me to really think outside the box and make something of myself. I’d been wanting to start my own business for years but I never had the push that made it happen so when I finally bit the bullet and opened the store I felt really good about where things were headed. Next year will be our second year in business and I’m happy about that – things are going well and I’ve been involved in every step of the way, from looking into Cockrell Hill Business Electricity Providers to hiring a graphic designer for the website to even painting the walls themselves! I’m just really happy things have worked out as well as they have and hope that it won’t take long for the rest of the community to jump on board. This is going to be a banner year for my company, I can feel it, and that’s what this was all about isn’t it? Who would have guessed I’d come this far.

On My Way To The Keys

Guest post written by Derick Burks
I made sure to drop all of my bills in the mail ( including my clear internet service) payment before we left on vacation. We are going to be gone for a whole two weeks. I have been waiting for this moment for the last several years. It really has been about three years since the last time that we went on a vacation. My husband’s job is pretty demanding. He hasn’t felt like he could leave and the business operate the way that it should for the last couple of years. Now, he feels like everyone is trained well enough that we could go on a family vacation. We are heading to Key West, Florida. I have never been to the Keys and my children haven’t either. My husband has been a couple of times fishing. He also has a friend who is letting us borrow their house and boat down there for the next two weeks. I know that it is going to be super fun and relaxing. I just can’t wait to be sitting at the edge of the water with a margarita in my hand and watching the waves! How relaxing!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Marvelous Mess #55 and Features!!!

Happy Springtime to all of you!!!!  I hope you've all had a nice weekend. My spring flowers are about yours?? I'm currently tucked up on the couch watching Overboard with Kurt and Goldie and my hubby (of course). 

Here are my fave's from last week:

Raspberry Creams from Making Memories

and the project I'm going to feature on my sidebar for a week is....

Sewing Box Makeover from Little Becky Homecky

Thanks so much for linking up!! 

Now, on to the party:

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fashion To Figure Review

Fashion to Figure is a plus size fashion site that offers plenty of variety for women of substance. I recently got a chance to review a dress from their site and found myself pleased with the purchase. I am always on the lookout for places to buy plus sized clothing....I want to be large with STYLE....not Muumuus. At Fashion to Figure I found many options for the picky dresser from maxi dresses to jersey shirts with rhinestone buttons. They also offer the basics.

My dress is no longer offered on the site, or I would show you a picture. It's a glittery, lightweight strapless dress with some great draping fabric....perfect for a summer night. My only complaint with the dress is that the gold glitter now sparkles everywhere in my house....but I've never had such a glittery dress may just be that that kind of fabric does that.

You'll find yourself contemplating styles you might never have thought of before when you visit their site. I tend toward simplicity....and by that I mean I'm a chicken when it comes to being this site was an eyeopener. They have neons and polkadots, boleros and kimonos. They also have plenty of fashion jewelry to accent your outfit.

You can find Fashion to Figure Here:

Sorry!! No Party Today!!

Sorry to everyone if you came looking for the party and last weeks features!! I've got family visiting and it's sunny and in the 70' Mid March. I've got to take advantage of the time!! I plan on being back next week and I hope to see you all at that time. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Make An Earring Holder

Here's a stylish little earring holder you can make quite simply!! And, it even includes *burlap* (que crafters fainting). It's a great way to display your earrings. And, it helps to remind you of earrings you may have overlooked....

Alright, here's the list of supplies:

Wire Mesh (by the roll at Agway)
Picture Frame
Hot Glue
Tiny Nails (to tack down the mesh)

~Take the wooden frame and measure some mesh to fit over it, no overlapping (it would cause sharp edges).
~With the frame right side facing up, tack the wire down with the tiny nails in the corners to help secure it. 
~ Trim out a piece of burlap to cover the back of the frame (optional....I made two different holders, one with burlap behind and one without and I liked them both the same) and hot glue it into place. 
~Trim some burlap into long 2" wide lengths.
~Lay the lengths down on the front of the frame, over the wire, and make pleats (every two inches or so) and use the hot glue to hold them in place on the frame. 
~Glue some of the ribbon over the inside edge.

You're done!!

Shared this at these:


Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Marvelous Mess #54 and Features!!!

If you live in the Northeast, I'm betting you are as surprised as I am about the way spring is unfolding. So EARLY!! We just had our first BBQ of the year, played outside at the playground, colored with chalk on the driveway, and went for a long walk through the fields. Now, nature might prove me wrong and toss some snow our way, but at the point the forecast looks like warm all week and I can't wait to see my tulips and daffodils opening up!!

Here are my fave's from last week:

Adding a G+ Icon to your blog from Gardners 2 Bergers. Pretty handy dandy!!

and the post I'm going to feature on my sidebar for a week is....

[Cake] Pops of Gold from Chicken Scratch
Perfect for St. Paddy's Day!!!!

Thanks to all of you for linking up last week and if I featured you today feel free to grab a button:


Now, on to the party!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Future Fortified

Have you heard of Future Fortified?? It's such an great idea. And, today is the perfect day to share this program with you because, if you didn't already know it, it's International Women's day!!

Future Fortified is a project made by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) that has a mission to provide millions of women and children around the world with the nutrition they need to have a healthy life. Their goal is to provide access to improved nutrition for 50 million women and children in developing countries by 2015!!

I love the idea of helping an entire community by treating the health of it members. I think this program has great potential. Please consider visiting this site Here and learning more. 

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf Future Fortified. To thank me for my contribution, Mom Central donated $20 to the Future Fortified campaign.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Become a Tax Preparer

I'm always on the lookout for different ways to supplement my salary. It seems nowadays we all need to have more than one job (at least here in the lower end of the middle class we do). So I'm a blogger and a librarian with a couple other jobs tossed in there for good measure. Here's a job I could NEVER do....but maybe you could!!


*cue the lightning and thunder*

Yup, this one is definitely not on my list of possible income earners. If I had to, I could probably do it. Would YOU want me to do your taxes?? NOOOooooo. 

I see numbers and my brain quotes Monty Python:


But what about you? Would you be interested in a course to become a Tax Preparer?? Here's a site that can give you all kinds of information on tax courses. It's called Fast Forward Academy and they offer courses in becoming an Enrolled Agent and a Tax Preparer. They also offer continuing education classes. 

As a tax preparer, you could make upwards of $100 an hour!! You can work from home, work full time or part time, have a business that will always be essential, and reduce your own tax liability. You should think about taking a tax class. I won't though, okay?? Not even a little bit. 

Gourmet Baskets

Gourmet Gift Baskets is a site that offers exactly what it's name says....fancy gift baskets for any occasion!! A gift basket is so convenient for the giver and the receiver because it's simple to order and fun to use. I love gift baskets for their variety and the themed ones can be a hoot. A gift basket can be sent from across the country and still get there in time for the special occasion. 

Gourmet Gift Baskets has TONS of options. You can find something for just about any holiday or any reason. The basket above has an Italian theme....perfect for a housewarming gift!!!! Don't forget about Easter Gift Baskets. How about a gourmet cheesecake sampler?? Ooooooo......

There are plenty of options to choose from. They can also give you ideas on what to put in a Gift Basket if you wanted to make one your self!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Marvelous Mess #53 and Features!!!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I went to a baby shower this afternoon and got some fun ideas for sewing projects to if only I could sew well!! We had a great party last week. I look forward to seeing what you have all been up to!!

Here are some of my fave's from the last party:

The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 from Mom on Timeout. This is a great list to have in your is a sad but true fact that a lot of your favorite fruits are *covered* in dangerous pesticides. If you don't want to buy organic, or can't because of prices....stick with the Clean 15!!!!

And, the post I'm going to feature on my side bar is....

Be Twine by Turtles and Tails. Love what a little twine can do to just about any project. Pinned this one for sure!!

Thanks to all of you for linking up!! For those I featured, here is your button:


Now, on to the party!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Rainbow Princess Costume

I found the most beautiful pretty princess costumes for dress up games!! After careful consideration, I picked a Rainbow Princess outfit, pictured above, to review. It's adorable!! 

Here's what I love:
* Iridescent material 
*Puffed Sleeves.....ummm, awesome. I want puffed sleeves. 
*Flowing skirt (that is lined so it's not itchy)
*Gold trim....very regal!!

Here are a few things I noticed that I would fix:
*Gold trim needs to be sewn more securely; it falls off easily.
*Center "cameos" on package look like they are made of metal....but are actually cloth. It would be nicer to have something more shiny. 

I think it's so important for children to have a variety of dress up materials, for both genders and as many styles as you can imagine. I am a big fan of play silks and wands....they are so many worlds you can create out of those supplies and it is such a great way to tell a story

I received product in return for an honest review. All opinions are my own and written entirely in my own words.