One of the things I do for volunteer work in my community to run a weekly craft-time at our local library. It's a total blast and it gets my brain working to come up with new and fun crafts. Some are off the top of my head and some have been inspired by others (duly credited, of course). I thought I'd do a weekly progression of the crafts we've tried out.
This week was so darn-tootin' hot, I thought it would be fun to cool down with some watermelon slices. Wish we could have eaten them!!
To do this craft you need:
Paper Plate
Red and Green Paint
Used Tupperware
Paint Brush
Black Oil Sunflower Seeds
~Pour some salt into a tupperware and mix it up with a splash of red paint that's been watered down. Do the same in a separate container for the green salt.
~On the paper plate sketch a triangle for the watermelon, rind included:
~ Water down some glue in a container and mix it up. Use a paint brush to paint the rind section of the picture entirely with glue.
~Spoon some green salt over the rind section. Patting down when need and gently shake of the excess onto a paper towel.
~Now paint with glue the entire melon section, pour the red salt over it, pat it down, and shake off the excess.
~To glue the sunflower seeds onto it, scrape a little hole in the melon salt where you want the seed to go and put a dab of glue in the hole, then press the sunflower seed on top of it. Let the whole thing dry and VOILA!! A slice of melon. Cute, huh??
I am sharing this project here (check them out and be inspired!!):